Use this section to share your internship experience at ATKINS. You are requested to include as much information as possible so as to help everyone who is considering doing internship here. Help you juniors, friends & colleagues to make informed decision! We have tried to cover the frequently asked questions, feel free to add/ suggestion any other aspect you would like to be covered.
Note: Please do not include any sensitive/ confidential/ controversial information such as names, exact contact details, any sensitive detail related to project and just anything you are not supposed to share. If you are not sure if you can share a particular information, then most probably you shouldn't.
Information is divided into 2 parts (how to apply & the review). Instead of sharing your experience in a story full of long text and paragraphs, we encourage and request you to copy these points so as to answer in a systematic and comprehensive manner.
1. How to apply?
Some information on the process and procedure to apply.

Note: Please do not include any sensitive/ confidential/ controversial information such as names, exact contact details, any sensitive detail related to project and just anything you are not supposed to share. If you are not sure if you can share a particular information, then most probably you shouldn't.
Information is divided into 2 parts (how to apply & the review). Instead of sharing your experience in a story full of long text and paragraphs, we encourage and request you to copy these points so as to answer in a systematic and comprehensive manner.
1. How to apply?
Some information on the process and procedure to apply.
- How to apply for the internship?
- Were you required to take multiple follow-ups or the concerned department/ person was quick to respond?
- When should a person start applying, especially if there is a long procedure in place or any filtering criteria/ stages?
- Do you need any intervention in the form of approval/ request letter etc from your institution before applying to this place?
- Any other information you would like to add.
- Your College/ Institution
- Year of Internship
- Department/ Division/ Zone
- Work Location/ Office Location
- Internship Duration
- Working hours/ days
- Was it a paid internship?
- Perks/ benefits apart from completion certificate
- Your Project/ Work/ Role:
- Your overall experience?
- Did it meet your expectations and to what extent?
- Do you recommend doing an internship at this place?
- Were you able to grow your professional network?
- Is there any option for "internship to job" after getting the degree?
- Any other information you would like to include/ mention